In 1922, a priest called Father Alfred Hope Patten had a beautiful image of Our Lady carved and set up in the parish church of St Mary in Walsingham. People began to travel to that church, to pray there, and to be inspired by Mary’s example, because she always shows us how we can be better disciples of her Son, Jesus Christ. Something remarkable had happened. The pilgrimage to Walsingham, suppressed in 1538 under the orders of Henry VIII, had been restored.

The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
Founded by the Lady Richeldis in 1061, destroyed by Henry VIII in 1538, restored in 1922 by Father Hope Patten, the Anglican Vicar of Walsingham – the Shrine has had an eventful history across nearly a thousand years. This medieval place of pilgrimage, which rivalled Canterbury as a destination, was visited by thousands of pilgrims from all across Britain and Europe. It became known as ‘England’s Nazareth’ because of the nature of the vision which the Lady Richeldis experienced. (See The Story So Far). Today, after 350 years of post-Reformation neglect, the past 95 years have witnessed the dramatic restoration of pilgrimage to Walsingham.

The Modern Shrine
At the heart of the Shrine of Our Lady lies the Holy House containing the image of Our Lady of Walsingham. The Holy House itself is contained within the highly-decorated Shrine Church. In the Shrine grounds can be found everything a pilgrim, tourist or visitor needs – residential accommodation, meeting rooms, the refectory, a cafe-bar and beautiful gardens. The Welcome Centre – part of the Milner Wing – offers fascinating insights into both historic and present day Walsingham.

The three major pilgrimages each year – the National, the Youth, and Healing and Renewal – bring thousands to Walsingham, some just for the day, others to stay in our accommodation or to camp in a local field. You can find out more about these events by clicking link below. Throughout the year groups large and small from parishes across the UK come on pilgrimage.

Voted the nation’s favourite spiritual place by Radio 4 listeners, the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham is a place of Christian worship, hospitality and recreation for all – pilgrims, tourists, the casual passer-by and the curious historian. At the heart of the Shrine is the Holy House where we celebrate Mary's 'yes' to God. Inspired by her life and prayers we aim to offer engaging worship, warm hospitality and creative educational opportunities.
The Walsingham Story
For nearly 1000 years people have been coming to Walsingham to worship God and honour His mother Mary.
Find out more about Walsingham and Pilgrimage by watching our welcome video and click below to read the story so far.
Make a donation
As a national centre of pilgrimage and a registered charity, our income is wholly reliant on the income we receive from our pilgrims and visitors and the money raised through offerings and appeals. These donations make a real difference to the life of the Shrine and the pastoral care we are able to deliver.
- Morning Prayer
- Mass (The Priory)
- Mass
- Chantry Mass (Guild of All Souls Chapel)
- Evening Prayer
- Shrine Prayers
Book now for the Lenten Retreat
This year's retreat takes place from Monday 17th to Thursday 20th March and will be led by Dr Aidan Nichols OP

Mass and Liturgies at the Shrine
In recent months, we have been reflecting on the regular weekly timetable at the Shrine, considering what works best for our pilgrims...

Visit the Shrine Shop Online
The Shrine Shop stocks an extensive range of books, gifts and much more and is available online...