
Since the restoration of the Shrine over 80 years ago, thousands of pilgrims have contributed to the running, upkeep and development of ‘England’s Nazareth’ through their donations, gifts and legacies.  As a national centre of pilgrimage and a registered charity, our income is reliant on the generosity of our pilgrims and visitors and the money raised through offerings and appeals. These donations make a real difference to the life of the Shrine and the pastoral care we are able to deliver.

The Shrine often has a number of projects that donations are requested for and you can find details of these below. Or you can make a general donation.


Currently we are in the process of updating some of our rooms to provide more en-suite facilities. Each room costs around £5000 to convert, so any donations towards this would be extremely appreciated. If you, or your organisation are able to sponsor an entire room, we can also name the room as a dedication! For details of this please email [email protected]


One of the most important groups who visit are children and young people and the Shrine is extremely committed to the ministry and development of Young Pilgrims and it's education work. Your donations are extremely appreciated, so that we can keep the cost to families and schools as low as possible.

To make a donation, please complete the form below. You will be able to choose where you would like the money to go or you can make a general donation.