Walsingham has been a place of Christian pilgrimage and prayer for nearly 1,000 years. Down the ages, pilgrims have made their way here to seek the guidance of God and to pray for particular needs.
In the Bible, Jesus showed that we can have a relationship with God, like a child with their father. Prayer is one of the ways in which that relationship can grow and flourish.
At Walsingham, prayers are offered in many different ways to God, and pilgrims ask for the prayers of Mary to help them walk with God in their lives.
Lighting a candle
Candles have been the visible symbols of invisible prayers for centuries. Jesus spoke of himself as the Light of the World and so lighting a candle is a sign of His presence when we pray. Candles are often lit when pilgrims remember a loved one who has died, or who is sick and needs help.
Anyone who visits Walsingham is welcome to light a candle in the Holy House and to say a prayer.
Shrine Prayers
Shrine Prayers are offered in the Holy House every day at 6pm (5pm on Saturday). The traditional Rosary Prayer is used and said together by pilgrims who gather to pray for the Church, for the world, for the sick and all in need and for the departed. Many of the prayers used have been left by those who have visited the Shrine or have been sent in by pilgrims from all over the world.
Prayer Requests
Shrine Prayers are offered every day in the Holy House (at 6.00 pm everyday except Saturday during the Pilgrimage Season when it is at 5.00 pm). The Rosary is used and offered along with prayers for that day. These have been sent in from pilgrims all over the world. There are also prayers for the bereaved and the dead. Prayers of praise and thanksgiving accompany prayers of intercession each and every day.
Your prayers can be offered at Walsingham. Simply send your request by clicking here. During the coming week you will be remembered at Shrine Prayers.
If you would like to make an offering to support the work of intercession at the Shrine, please follow the instructions below under Make a donation.
If you are a Priest Associate of the Holy House or a member of the Society of Our Lady of Walsingham and would like to be a part of the intercessionary work of Shrine Prayers you might like to consider becoming a member of The Living Rosary. (To find out about how to join the Priests Associate or the Society go the Membership section on this site.)
Make a donation
Use your credit or debit card to donate to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.
Click here for donation form
Enter an amount to donate and click on NEXT. This will take you to a secure on-line payment site. UK tax payers - don't forget to click 'Yes' in the Gift Aid section.
The Shrine is only able to continue its ministry to thousands of pilgrims and visitors through the generosity of its supporters. All donations over £50 will be acknowledged by post by the Shrine staff.