Groups of Society members are invited to create Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham. The group must be led by a Priest Associate of the Holy House, who becomes the Cell Superior, and have the support of the incumbent of the parish or head of the institution in which it is to be based.
Cells offer pilgrims to Walsingham an opportunity to strengthen and renew the spiritual benefits of their pilgrimage. The Cell should be a focus of prayer for all within the parish or institution in which it is based. It may also be the means of encouraging others to go on pilgrimage, providing those in need with material and personal assistance where possible.
- Seven members of the Society are required for the setting up of a Cell
- A Cell must appoint a secretary from among its members. The secretary is responsible for keeping a list of members of the local Cell and notifying the Society's Membership Secretary of any changes in the Cell's membership
Cells are encouraged to gather for a regular meeting, preferably including offering a Mass for the Shrine and for the objectives of the Society and to pray for the work of the Shrine.
Cells must undertake to:
- Honour Mary, the Mother of God and to deepen faith in the incarnation of Our Lord.
- Promote devotion to Our Lady and pilgrimage to Walsingham.
- Further, with the aid of Our Lady's prayers, the conversion of the nations and the re-union of Christendom.
- Seek holiness of life through prayer, the scriptures and the sacraments.
Cells are asked to observe:
- Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord (March 25th)
- Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady (August 15th)
- The remembrance of the translation of the image of Our Lady of Walsingham from the Parish Church to the present Shrine in 1931 (October 15th)