The Society of OLW was founded by Fr Alfred Hope Patten in 1925 as part of the Shrine’s outreach to enable Pilgrims and visitors to keep in touch with the Shrine and its work. The Society prospers today with around 5000 members.
Members of the Society receive a Membership badge and card and the current edition of the Shrine’s magazine, the Walsingham Review. Thereafter members receive two Walsingham Reviews a year, at Assumption in August and Candlemas in February. These Reviews are packed with information about the Shrine, its current activities and plans for the future.
A lamp burns in the Holy House for the Society and the Society is mentioned in the intercessions each day at Shrine Prayers. A monthly requiem is offered at the Shrine for departed members of the Society; their names are recorded in the Walsingham Review, the magazine of the Society and of the Priest Associates of the Holy House, in thanksgiving for their life and pilgrimage witness.
Membership of the Society costs £20 per year for single membership and £35 per year for married couples.
If you have any questions about the Society please mail us on
To become a member of the Society click here
Many groups of people visiting the Shrine form themselves in a local Cell. These Cells meet regularly for fellowship and a Mass for Our Lady.