The Walsingham Review is the magazine of the 8,500 members of the Society of Our Lady of Walsingham and Priests Associate of the Holy House. Over the years it has appeared in a variety of guises and formats. It first appeared as Our Lady’s Mirror in January, 1926 and was largely the work of Father Patten. The penultimate edition of the Mirror was a memorial issue for Father Patten in 1958, the final issue appearing in Spring 1959. The Walsingham Review eventually took its place in 1961 and has appeared annually, then bi-annually, ever since. In Easter 2005 the first four-page Walsingham Review Extra was sent out to all members (renamed the Easter Update in 2009). In 2014 the December 'Advent' Review was moved to Candlemass (February) and the Easter Update discontinued. The Assumptiontide (August) Review remains in place.
Become a Member
If you would like to receive The Walsingham Review regularly then you might like to consider joining The Society of Our Lady of Walsingham on-line (see Membership section – Society of OLW) or, if you are priest in full communion with the Anglican Church, then you might wish to become a Priest Associate of the Holy House of Our Lady of Walsingham (see Membership section – Priests Associate).