The Holy House
For many pilgrims the Holy House, situated in the Shrine Church, is the focus of their devotion and prayers.
The Holy House is a replica of the house in Nazareth in which Mary was told by the Angel Gabriel that she had been chosen to be the Mother of Jesus. It was in this house that Jesus lived and was cared for by Mary and Joseph.
When Mary appeared in Walsingham to Lady Richeldis in 1061, she asked that a replica of the Holy House of Nazareth be built. It was to be a sign and reminder of the good news Mary received that in Jesus God would come to share in our human lives.
In the Holy House can be found a statue of Mary holding Jesus, who showed us during his time on earth what God is like.
Pilgrims come to Walsingham to celebrate and to deepen their faith in God and their relationship with him. Through prayer and worship they seek to listen to God and to open their lives to his love.
They also come to find inspiration and guidance through the example of Mary. She trusted completely in God, and her faith in Him never failed. Because of her joyful and sorrowful experiences as the Mother of Jesus, she understands everything we feel. Her love and example are still needed by Christians.
Each day at the Shrine begins and ends with worship, and pilgrim groups are able to arrange their own services during their time in Walsingham.