FOOTSTEPS OF FAITH - Children's Pilgrimage @Home
Friday 5th - Sunday 7th March 2021
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, this year’s Children's Pilgrimage is taking place online! This is a free event and there is no need to register.
This year's theme is 'Footsteps of Faith' and we will be having a fun packed weekend of lively worship, music, stories and activities. Feet are very important here in Walsingham and when we visit we are treading in the footsteps of countless pilgrims. Meet our very, very old Pilgrim Leader who has been coming to Walsingham since the Lady Richeldis had a vision of Mary way back in 1061!
Feet are also mentioned in the Bible many times! We will explore some of the stories in the Bible where feet are important.
Videos will be released here on this page and will also be available on Facebook and YouTube by clicking on the links below:
Facebook (Do remember children under 13 are not permitted to have a Facebook account, but if you prefer to view on Facebook they will need to be using an adult account under supervision).
To accompany the weekend there is a booklet full of activities for you to do at home, which you can download from the link below.
Get involved!
Normally during the First Visit, we present banners in the Holy House to show where you are from. We would like you to design your own banner that we can share during the First Visit. You could create one to show the name of your Church or if you are joining us as individuals it could be your family name and where you are from. You can design your banner or poster on paper, on the computer, on fabric or any way that you choose. Get creative!
Your design needs to be 'landscape' and when it is completed send a photo of it to our Schools and Young Pilgrims Officer- [email protected] by Monday 1st March and we will show it along with the others during our First Visit.
Friday 5th March 2021
Welcome and First Visit
Discover why pilgrims come to Walsingham and take part in the First Visit to the Holy House. Meet our very old Pilgrim Leader who knows all about pilgrimage to Walsingham and hear the story of the Lady Richeldis.
Saturday 6th March 2021
Mass with Holy Mile walk
Our Mass begins at the Roman Catholic Shrine in the Slipper Chapel. Why is it called that and do you have to wear slippers? We will then walk the Holy Mile (very quickly!) back to the Anglican Shrine where our Mass will continue. Hear the story of the Prodigal Son, who returned home to his father. Fr Ben meets a strange farmer and a pig!
Feet in Holy Week
Feet appear a lot in the Bible and particularly in Holy Week! Why did Jesus wash the feet of the Disciples? What happened to Jesus after that?
Sunday 7th March 2021
Running from the Tomb! Followed by Mass.
We discover why there was a lot of running on that first Easter morning. This will be followed by Mass outside in the Shrine gardens.
Benediction and Last Visit
We find out what Benediction is and receive a very special blessing. We then make our last visit to the Holy House.